Nouveau Bureau Exécutif Photo de famille L’Assemblée des Régulateurs des Télécommunications de l’Afrique Centrale (ARTAC) a tenue sa 6ème session ordinaire de la Conférence des Régulateurs, les 22 et 23 mars 2022 à l’hôtel Sawa à Douala au Cameroun. A l’issue de ces...
Agence de Régulation des Télécommunications – ART Cameroun
L' United Hotel International à Yaoundé accueille les mardi 21 et mercredi 22 janvier 2025 un séminaire consacré à l'intelligence artificielle. Organisée par le Forum des Institutions de Régulation du Cameroun (FIRC), cette rencontre a pour thème « Intelligence...
SWE Mid-Career Professionals Affinity Group: Growing Your Career and Network Through SWE Mentoring
As part of their spotlight month, the Mid-Career Professionals AG describes how SWE members dealing with career breaks, job loss, family planning, relocations, or career transitions can all benefit from participating in the SWE Mentor Network. Source
Fitness as a Professional Development Tool
As part of their spotlight month, the Early Career Professionals AG discusses the importance of fitness for field engineers, including three key benefits it offers to enhance job performance. Source
Exciting Changes to SWE’s Advance Learning Center!
SWE is thrilled to announce a new and improved Advance Learning Center (ALC) designed to help you find exactly what you need, when you need it. Source